Sunday, December 4, 2011

In the Beginning

Running is not my thing. I guess more specifically, exercise in general is not my thing. But, as they say, I’m not getting any younger, and I definitely need to start doing SOMETHING! My friend Annaka sent me a link to this “Couch to 5K{Check out for more info} running training program that seemed really interesting that we were going to try to do together. It is so difficult to find a time that we both are available though, in spite of literally living next door to one another. Fast forward a couple weeks: I went to my brother’s basketball game yesterday and a couple of the cheerleaders for the other team were HUGE. All I could think about was how badly I don’t ever want to look like that. And, that at the rate I’m going, I will be at some point. So, I am starting the Couch to 5K without Annaka; although, hopefully, we will be able to run some together too!

The main gist of this training program: Most people, when trying to start running regimen, start off too gung ho. They try to do too much too fast and just wind up miserable. (THIS IS SOOOO ME!!) The program eases you into becoming a runner, by alternating walking and running for 20-30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. It focuses on creating a more fit you, not turning you into a marathon runner overnight (YAY!!). And it is designed as a 9-week program (I can do anything for 9 weeks, right?!). My ultimate goal is to be able to run (without walking at all) the Ukrop’s Monument 10K, which is in April, if I remember correctly.

Starting Weight: 183

Day 1:
-       5 Minute warm up walk
-       20 Minutes: Run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds
-       Cool down walk back home
-       Total: 2.72 miles, 35:56 minutes
Not going to lie… This was slightly more difficult that I was expecting it to be! Even when I have ran in the past, I’ve always said that I don’t do welling alternating running and walking, so I run until I can’t anymore, and then I start walking. So, this run some, walk some plan is a little different for me. But it felt GREAT!! I’m using my new barefoot shoes, so I’ll probably be a little more sore than normal tomorrow, but my foot hasn’t been falling asleep like it was before! :) :) Thank god!!

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